Importance Of Audio Visual Philippines Companies

The importance of audio visual (AV) in delivering a successful event should not be underestimated. It means the difference between another mundane corporate presentation and a real experience that leaves you with a lasting message. In the current digital age, the opportunities are endless. And that’s why you need professional Audio Visual Philippines Companies to handle all your AV needs and Itech Digital production is here for you.

Why use AV for a corporate event?

Competition in the business world is as strong as ever thanks to the recession. This makes it increasingly important to stand apart from others in the minds of the people who matter i.e. stakeholders such as customers, investors and the press.

A corporate event is an extremely effective way of achieving this, either marketing your business, or delivering a particular message. Using AV equipment essentially brings the presentation alive so that the audience is able to connect with the brand and the message, which makes it easier to access psychologically, once they have left the event.

It has long been cited that customers who use their senses to engage in activity, remember that activity for a longer period of time, than activities where their sense are not engaged. AV uses this principle, as the technology is able to bring the message alive through visuals, sound, lighting, interaction etc.

Where to source AV

If you don’t have an in-house AV team, there is a plethora of AV suppliers, i.e. specialist event companies, specialist AV companies or businesses that lease AV equipment like Itech Digital Production.


The first thing to consider is the type of venue you wish to use, as this will determine the type of AV equipment required. For example smaller and larger venues have different AV requirements. Other things to consider are:

The mood you are trying to create

Whether the event is indoors or outdoors

Whether you need certain areas highlighted, such as product display

Whether there will be entertainment (I.e. a DJ, or band)

A large space capable of seating more than a few hundred people requires video monitors to ensure your message is seen throughout the large room. If looking to make an impression, the bigger the better.

If feasible a video projector supplemented by video monitors further back in the meeting room will make certain your entire presentation is seen clearly by everyone. For a truly professional feel to the video simulcast of your presentation, video cameras should not just be mounted in a locked position but manned by professional cameramen.